Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Things Living in Leeds Has Taught Me

1. There's no such thing as being "underdressed"

Seriously though. I could go out to a club in my pyjamas and still not be the subject of any weird looks. Most people would just assume I was part of a social for a sports team, or on the infamous Otley Run.

2. Dressing like a tramp makes you "edgy"

In the first few weeks, I had witnessed the biggest transformation happen on campus. Herds of preppy kids gradually resorted to baggy jumpers, scrunchies and a lot of tie dye. It was as if the 90's had returned, and not in a good way like a "Friends" reunion episode. More like, stop raiding the vintage shops. Lesson learned - the worse you dress, the "edgier" you are.

3. High heels are horrible

Before I moved to Leeds, going out was synonymous to wearing a pair of high heels. As a girl, I'd suffer but get through the night as best as I could. Now, going out attire is complete with a pair of Nike Blazers, Doc Martens or Vans. And I love it. You actually begin to enjoy the experience, you dance the night away and are no longer worried about twisting an ankle or falling over leading everyone to think that you're drunker than you are. Not a good look.

4. What lies beyond the city centre is a big mystery

I won't lie - living on campus meant I didn't have to leave it very often in my first year. When I did leave, it wasn't far beyond the City Hall or Trinity Shopping centre. In my second year, my knowledge of the city has expanded to the Hyde park/Headingley area.

5. The Uni vs. Beckett (Met) Hatred

We don't actually hate each other. But we love to pretend we do. Whilst in reality most of us have at least one friend in the nemesis university, when it comes to serious events such as Varsity we show no mercy. Which leads me to my next point:

6. Rugby is a big deal

Before coming to Leeds, I barely had any idea what rugby really was. (I still don't really know the rules but that's besides the point). But when Varsity came around, everyone went to see the big game at the end.

7. Locals are an entirely different species

Whilst I am sure that the locals of Leeds are lovely people, students don't seem to mingle with them. There is an unspoken line that divides us. And everyone knows which nights out are for the locals, and which are reserved exclusively to students. All in the spirit of keeping up the great divide.

8. Which means you don't hear the Yorkshire accent as much as you thought

Before coming to uni, I had a number of people ask me how I'm going to understand people with such a strong accent. But that never became an issue because it looks like upon graduating from school, the whole south of the UK migrates up north. I don't know whether they're just trying to get as far away from home as they can, but there are a lot of Londoners in Leeds.

9. Hyde Park is nothing like its namesake

Hyde Park in London - lovely walks in the park, Winter Wonderland, family fun. Hyde Park in Leeds? Burglaries, rape stories, and lack of street lights. Yet it still remains one of the more popular areas for student living. Oh the student life...

10. But at the end of the day, the city has it all

Sure, it can be strange at times. But Leeds has everything you need for the perfect student experience - amazing night life, astounding food selection, and all the culture you desire.

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